Provincial A/AA Teams

We are excited to share that for the 2023/24 season, Paris Ringette Association plans to host a U16A and U19A Provincial teams

We will also host Regional Teams at all age levels including Fun2, Fun3/U10, U12B, , U14B and U16B.
For more information on these programs, please visit the REP Regional Teams page.

Player Intents - U16A & U19A

Any player who is interested in trying out for an U16A and U19A team is welcome and must complete a Player Intent Form before attending any tryouts. 

Player Intent Forms must be completed and submitted by March 20, 2023. Players will not be permitted to attend any tryout if a Player Intent Form has not been completed by the deadline. It’s advisable that you complete the form if you are interested in playing A/AA, even if you’re not 100% certain that you will attend the tryout.  The Intent form is a planning tool but does not commit the players to attending a tryout. 

Players are encouraged to try out in multiple Associations to maximize your opportunity of being offered a spot on a team; however, the Closest Association Matrix must be followed.  

If your Home Association is offering the level of play, players must try out with their Home Association first.  If your Home Association is not offering the level of play, players are encouraged to try out with other Associations, ensuring that they are following the Closest Association Matrix. 


Paris is planning to host a U16A team and a U19A.  All Paris U16 and U19 aged players who wish to tryout for “A” level play, must tryout with Paris first. You may also choose to try out with neighbouring Associations who are offering U16A and U19A.

If you do not tryout with Paris U16A and U19A, are not selected for Paris U16A and U19A or another Association with a U16A and U19A team, you will be able to play on the Paris U16B and U19B team (no tryout process required). 

The Closest Association Matrix for Paris players is as follows:

  1. Paris (Home)
  2. Cambridge
  3. Caledonia
  4. Hamilton
  5. Burlington
  6. Mississauga

If there is no team available at the Home Association (e.g, U16A), and the player is not offered a spot in Cambridge (Closest Association), it is up to Burlington to offer a spot or release the player to Mississauga.  Players cannot simply choose where they would like to play - they must be released (according to the Player Release Policy) in the order of the Closest Association Matrix. In this example, if a player attends a tryout in Paris, Cambridge and Burlington but is not offered a spot in Paris or Cambridge, Mississauga cannot offer a spot to this player without a release from Burlington. If however, Burlington needs more “A” players at this age division, they are within their rights not to release the player.

If there is no team being offered in your Home Association, players may go directly to the next Closest Association tryout if they are offering that level of play.

Expectations of A Provincial Ringette 

U16 & U19A 

U16A & U19A levels of ringette are more competitive levels of ringette, also referred to as “Provincial”, where players must try out for a spot on the team.  

  • In most cases, the commitment level of a U16A & U19A team is more demanding than B teams, including time, travel and financial requirements. 
  • U16A & U19A teams will typically practice 1-2x per week, 1x dryland conditioning/strategy session and have 1-2 games (home or away) per week
  • Provincial teams play in the Great Lakes Ringette League which covers Chatham to Paris to Sunderland to Barrie and everywhere in between (spanning Southern, Central and Western Regions).
  • “A” teams will still travel the same distance but will have more opportunity for games closer to home
  • U16A & U19A teams typically enter up to 4 tournaments per season in addition to the Provincial year-end tournament. These tournaments are assigned by Ringette Ontario, and are a minimum of 4 games and some may begin on Thursday, which increases the financial considerations (travel, time off, accommodations, meals, etc.). 
  • The Provincial year-end tournament can be hosted anywhere in the province.  For reference: the 2023 A “Provincials” is in Mississauga, in 2022 it was in Ottawa.  

U16A and U19A teams play in the Great Lakes Ringette League which covers Forest to Paris to Kitchener to Barrie and everywhere in between (spanning Southern, Central and Western Regions). There may be more travel, however most games are in your home region - particularly in the first half. 

There are no minimum requirements for tournaments - this will be decided by team interest.  Some tournaments will have a minimum of 4 games - thus the fees for these tournaments may be slightly higher.  The year-end tournament for 12A may not be the same location or date as the B Regional year-end tournament for Paris’s B teams.  This will not be determined until the season is well underway. 

More information about U16A and U19A will be coming over the next few months.  No action is required at this time, other than registering with your Home Association via RAMP as per usual when it becomes available in early April 2023. 

 SSRA Tryout PowerPoint Document 

Important Key Dates



Feb 15 - Mar 20

Player Intent Forms Available (A/AA)

Mar 31

Associations confirmed to host teams at A/AA levels

Apr 1 - 10  

Tryout schedules to be posted on Association websites

May 12

AA Teams formed (all offers must be accepted/declined)

May 2023

U16A and U19A Tryouts (Times and Dates to be provided once Southern team approval has completed)

Please check back for confirmed dates and times.

June 5

 Teams formed (all offers must be accepted/declined)

Sept - TBC

U12 Sort outs can begin (timing TBC based on ice availability)



Upcoming Events

Sep. 29, 2024 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Showcase Game - Wilfrid Laurier University v. University of Guelph
Brant Sports Complex
Come out and Watch University level Ringette Wilfrid Laurier University v. University of Guelph

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Sep. 29, 2024 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Showcase Clinic
Brant Sports Complex
Showcase Clinic - more information to come!!!

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Nov. 10, 2024 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM

PRA Picture Day & Spirit Wear
Brant Sports Complex
Save the date!!!! November 10, 2024 at 1:30pm - 3:30pm is Paris Ringette's Picture Day and Spirit Wear!!

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